Welcome to Ms. Armstrong's Web Page

Important notice to all Charles Bloom Middle Years students: Please use the "Weekly Check-In" form found on your Google classroom accounts. Your teachers are asking you to check-in ONCE a week using that form. If you cannot find or access the form from your Google Classrooms, then please email Ms. Allen at jallen@sd22learns.ca and she will help you. If you do not "check-in" by Friday, then your teachers will have to try and connect with you and your parents another way.
Click on the following links to access your assignments and instructions
English 7
English 8

Go to "Google Classrooms", and use the student access code: qnraque

Go to "Google Classrooms", and use the student access code: qnraque
Ms. Armstrong will be available for video chats every Wednesday, check out the Zoom meeting page here for times. Students can also email Ms, Armstrong at mlarmstrong@sd22.bc.ca at any time.
At this time there are some options as what to do with completed work. If you have the ability, you can drop off completed work at the school, email or even simply take a picture of your work and email that to Ms. Armstrong. Students can also hold onto their work as evidence of their learning. If schools do reopen before September, your student may be asked to provide evidence of learning. Parents are expected only to monitor some daily progress with their students. For more support regarding what to expect of your student, please visit the "Message to Parents" and the "FAQs" pages.